12, Feb 2021 to 12, Mar 2021
Curated by Georgina Maddox
Soliloquies calls upon these magical, aphrodisiacal power of Spices that
evoke a mélange of historical narratives, emotions, tastes, rituals,
associations and aromas. The intention behind Peppery Soliloquies is to
uncover and investigate the notions and texture of spice through the
artworks, while enjoying the serendipitous coming together of these
multiple perspectives in a visual medium that usually gives rise to new
readings and intuitive interpretations.
It has been estimated
through the fields of archaeology, geology and science that the
estimated watermark for humankind began to use of spices as far back as
50,000 B.C. In different nations across the world spices have come into
usage in different ways ranging from the everyday acts of cooking to the
mythological and magical qualities of the spice. In a contemporary
context where our bio-diversity is under risk it is important to revisit
the history and the stories behind various spices, in a contemporary
context because of the hidden cloak that is drawn around its production.
Where much of the growing and farming of spices is dictated by the
commercial undercurrent that effects the bio-diversity of our planet.
The monoculture that tends to become prevalent because of commerce.
have encouraged our artists to explore in contemporary times and trace
out the voice of the following aspects our peppery soliloquies employing
Art, references Literature, Ancient scripts, history and documents and
of course contemporary times, where we examine the influence of species
upon the following various aspects of life, from the everyday to the
historical, from its aroma and flavour in food to its Ayurvedic usage,
from the aphrodisiacal to the mythological, from religious aspects, its
medicinal usage. During the Pandemic our artists have turned inwards and
created works especially for the show that look at this aspect of the
spice trail along the spice trail of India and East Asia,” says Georgina